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Extraordinary Health Questionnaire

Section 1:

We believe that you have the right to thrive and pulse with energy and vitality. We want you to glow with health as much of the time as possible. Wellbeing is a multidimensional concept. It is just like a puzzle, if there is a piece missing the puzzle picture is destroyed.

This questionnaire is designed to ascertain if there are any puzzle pieces missing and if there are any areas that are not working in the labyrinth that makes up your entire sense of wellbeing. When we have assessed your wellbeing, across the many facets that constitute it, we will have insight into your specific challenge spots and we will be able to identify what solutions will be most helpful to you. Slotting the correct puzzle piece into the puzzle can make a massive difference even in an area seemingly unrelated.

Please note that this process is completely confidential. No-one ever sees the answers you give to the individual questions, not even the assessor.

Only the interviewer will see the outcomes generated by the program (not the answers to the individual questions) and he or she will share those with you and you alone. You are free to be completely honest, knowing that if you are, the results will be useful to you. Even if you do this as part of a corporate intervention, the highest level of confidentiality is provided, knowing that you deserve nothing less.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to ascertain at a high level how you are doing across the many different facets of your wellbeing. Please answer as honestly and frankly as you can. You need to set aside 5 minutes to answer the whole questionnaire. Try to do it in an uninterrupted sitting.
This question requires a valid email address.